Support Us

We are proud to bring world class artists to perform in Shaldon and as a charity we depend on donations in order to maintain reasonable ticket prices, including concessions for students and free tickets for accompanied children.  We also reach out to the younger generation by offering free workshops for local school pupils. View our Festival Outreach Archive

If you or your business would like to  contribute to the future success of the Festival by becoming a Friend, offering Personal or Corporate sponsorship or by making a specific one-off donation, we would be hugely grateful for your support.

Ways to support us:

Become a FriendCorporate Sponsorship
Personal SponsorshipLegacies
Make a one off donationFind out more about the Festival

Shaldon Festival Friends

  • Advance Festival preview information
  • Priority booking period – reserve your seats early!
  • No booking fee applies during the priority booking period
  • Festival News updates
  • Invitation to an exclusive event and Reception
  • Acknowledgement in printed programme

Friends give a minimum annual donation of £30 single or £50 Joint for 2 people at the same address. Annual membership runs from 01 March to 28 February.

Become a Friend

You can either complete our form online, or download and print to send to us. Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an extra 25% on your donation from HMRC, which is also of enormous benefit to the Festival.

Complete our online form to become a Friend

Or download and complete a form – Festival Friend Form

Personal Sponsorship

There are a host of sponsorship opportunities! For example, sponsor a concert, or specific costs such as piano hire and tuning, venue hire, printing and publicity etc. Personal sponsors make a minimum donation of £200.  

For details, please email

Corporate Sponsorship

For corporate sponsorship opportunities and benefits, please email

View our corporate sponsors in 2023

Make a one-off donation

All donations help us to meet our costs and are enormously appreciated.

To make a one off donation of £50, £75, £100, £150 or £200 please complete our online form and then make payment. See payment options below.

One-off donation to Shaldon Festival

To make a donation by cheque, please enclose your contact details, together with a cheque made payable to Shaldon Festival, and post to Joyce Gillespie, The Paddock, Brook Lane, Shaldon TQ14 0HL
To make a BACS donation please email for bank details and then use your surname plus initials as a reference.


If you have enjoyed Shaldon Festival over a number of years you may wish to support its future by leaving a legacy in your Will. Any legacy however large or small will be very much appreciated.

Please contact Chris Morris, Chair of Shaldon Festival at

When she died, our long serving Trustee and Chair, Ro Rickett asked that her family set up a fund in aid of Shaldon Festival.  We are indebted to the family for fulfilling this wish and her memory will live on with us.